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Farewell of friends

18 Dec
Short but fun, happy but sad, after 2 months as a management trainees in CMS, after we’ve finally built our bond together, our family member – brother Bryan had finally decide to leave the family and go for a separate path. We had our Farewell party at Asian Steamboat at 17th December 2010 as our memorial night for our days together in CMS.

Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes.  A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.  And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.  ~Richard Bach

Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?  I guess that wouldn’t work.  Someone would leave.  Someone always leaves.  Then we would have to say good-bye.  I hate good-byes.  I know what I need.  I need more hellos.  ~Charles M. Schulz

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I’ll miss you
Until we meet again!
~Author Unknown