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2011 first day of work

3 Jan
Today is my first day of work in 2011. Been looking forward to it since I will be rotated to finance department, tagging with some new trainees etc. However things went pretty boring today, as I have very complicated feelings throughout the day. How you define a feeling that is not very happy nor sad, not excited nor too boring? Maybe I just try to change myself  in this New Year? Maybe it is because of my New Year resolution? Maybe because i am in a new surrounding? Maybe because I have something deeper in my thought?. However, I do like the feeling of being serious in work today. Although unlike my previous style, but people actually fear about you when you are too serious. It’s not bad to be that way once in a while….. sometimes I do realize that I need to establish myself some ground of respect so that people know the limits/borderline before they see what I look like when I am angry…..

The final conclusion I get for my first day of work in 2011 is that life is very complicated. How you handle your office and work are complicated, how you handle your relationship is complicated, even how you want to pay for your bills now is complicated.

“The biggest challenge for everybody to realize out there is that we are in a very complicated business world and that were all under one umbrella and it’s very challenging for everybody to figure out where the priorities lie and where the loyalties lie. ” by Scott Bakula