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Complicated Life

6 Jan

“Complicated and simple are actually two sides of the same coin: in order to see complexity, you have to have the notion of simplicity, and vice-versa. So neither complexity NOR simplicity have any independent reality of their own.
But so what? That’s not really what we humans are concerned about when this question comes up, is it? What we want to really know is “why am I confused, and how can I know what’s important and what to focus on?” There’s an anxiety associated with this sense that life is so complex that it’s pulling us in many directions at once and we can’t get “centered”.

There are two opposite capacities that we have as humans: analysis and synthesis. Analysis is based in the mind’s ability to separate things from each other: to form concepts, draw boundaries, build models of relationships, etc. This discriminative ability is what makes life look complicated: WE chop reality up into lots of little pieces and study them in isolation, and the number of such pieces we can create is actually infinite.
So if we ONLY have analysis running (without any synthesis), we end up with a distressingly LARGE supply of pieces to study.
Synthesis is different: synthesis puts pieces together into larger wholes. Most of us are not nearly as good at synthesis as we are at analysis, but many of us can do it well in specific areas: someone who has really “mastered” an art form, craft, or sport is practicing synthesis — they have “become one” with their chosen discipline, creating a synthesis in which “self and paint”, or “self and instrument”, or “self and ball” have ceased to be two completely separate things, and have merged into a larger whole.

From the outside, such a synthesis may look like magic, and in a way it is. But it’s more valuable to see the deeper process at work: the collecting of bits and pieces and restoring their original wholeness, prior to discrimination / separation — that’s what resolves our anxiety about complexity.

So why does THIS explanation sound so complicated? Because the mind which analyzes wants to cling to thorough explanations, and having such an explanation helps it to relax a bit. What we’re really talking about in practical terms is learning to be aware (synthesis) instead of continuing to focus on thinking (analysis).
Awareness is synthesis: if you want life to be simpler, without going down some strange tunnel like throwing out 90% of your stuff, learn to be more aware. That will solve the life-is-complicated problem where it really matters”

Well, that’s not the most important part anyway. Recently, in work or private i find that life is just too complicated and most of the time we ourself make it complicated.

I had to struggle to perform everyday because in the end our performance is being evaluated? Watch out what to write in email because we are being monitored? Watch out what i speak because there are eyes and ears around?  Can’t be nice to others because they are your competitors? Can’t do something because it doesn’t look goods for you or because someone don’t like it? Etc etc….

In the end, I really don’t care actually…… even though my friends keep discussing about behaving yourself or watch out this and that… I really find it unnecessary and stupid. Why do you have to try to act like not yourself? Why must I alter myself to suits the environment? Why must I follow what others tell me to do? Why must I follow the path of others?

Seriously, i just don’t care. Be it my performance is on stake or what, i just want to be myself in the end. You like me you take me, you don’t like me then so be it , i shall find another place which suits me. I like to hang out with my friends, play around and joke around with people i feel comfortable with. Be friend with everyone sincerely, stay with the girl that i “like” (i know you will see this, i’ll see how long you can run away ). I won’t change myself to suits the environment….

I had strong belief that a diamond will definitely shine one day even without those luxury processing work. If you believe you are great, then you will be great even without pretend to be great.

At the end of the day, you can either choose to fake yourself to be what they wanted to look for. But ask yourself before that, Is it really worthy for it to take away all your personality from you? I’ve made mine, I’ll be me myself no matter what happen, what bout you?