Archive | 8:30 pm

Not Feeling Well Again

18 Jan

Not feeling well for the whole day….. having heavy headache, sore throat and actually quite high fever. Visited a doctor after work and found out that i had a very high fever .. it’s 39 degree Celsius XD…..I’m surprise that not much people notice that i am actually in a very bad condition for the day except a few of my colleague….. i swear that it’s a lie when people tell you girls are more caring and observant compare to guys…… that’s actually bullshit.

Am actually very moody for the day due to the constant headache, but i must thanks my Partner Azlan and Shafiq for cheering me up…… and especially all the jokes. Feel very grateful for the concern and companion for the day.

Well, guess i am a normal mortal being made from flesh and blood after all. Hopefully i will recover after taking a rest tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be another good day.