
13 Mar

The song is shared by my dear as a reflection of life.

I find the lyrics so true that it reflects majority of the us youngster nowadays that can’t deliver any promise besides telling your loved one you that you love him/her. It isn’t that we can’t promise anything to him/her in the future but…..It is indeed true that promise is a big word, that one should not simply make a promise if he can’t deliver. It’s better not to make a promise than make a promise that he can’t deliver. The later would caused more dissapointment that the previous.

After listening to the song, i put this thought in deep of my heart asking what will i do if i am in his situation…..

If i am questioned by my girlfriend parents, i dare to promise them that i would not let her suffer. I dare to promise her to give her what she wants and I dare to promise to tell her that she had the most awesome bf in this world.

I’m able to make this promise because i’m very confidence that i would be able to deliver my promise in the future. I sincerely believe that there is nothing we can’t overcome when we are together.

Well at least i already fulfilled 1 out of 3 (Money, power and house) criteria that the song mention =P.

妳爸媽劈頭問我一句話 我不回答
他問我能不能給妳一個家 我愣在那
有些事心裡明白 卻不能夠明講
我沒有權 沒有錢 沒有房 只剩夢想
我也害怕 害怕讓她陪著我一起闖蕩
所以我不說大話 怕說的比做的差
有些話不能表達 有些話當時我沒有講
能給的我都給她 這是我心裡面說的話
就算會累死我都不會怨 因為她就是我的全世界

我沒有錢 沒有權 沒有房 只剩夢想
我也害怕 害怕讓她陪著我一起闖蕩
所以我不說大話 怕說的比做的差
有些話不能表達 有些話當時我沒有講
能給的我都給她 這是我心裡面說的話
就算會累死我都不會怨 因為她就是我的全世界

有些話不能表達 有些話當時我沒有講
能給的我都給她 這是我心裡面說的話
就算會累死我都不會怨 因為她就是我的全世界

妳爸媽劈頭問我一句話 我不回答
他問我能不能給妳一個家 我愣在那

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