My Girlfriend big day

31 Jul

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July 20 , My Girlfriend birthdate

This is one of the usual day of the year, but to me it is one of the most important day in the year.  I wasn’t even blogging this time last year. I’ve come a long way Baby! It’s a perfect birthday day here

Before the clock struck 12, i drove all the way to my beloved house with her birthday present and a surprise birthday cake. And of course, i caught her half awake when i celebrate her birthday at 12 midnight. Too bad she isn’t in her pyjamas when i caught her off guard.

As for the dinner, we celebrate my girlfriend big day at Tom’s where the place was well known to have the best cake in Kuching.

“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents … and only one for birthday presents, you know.” Well that’s the meaning of birthday


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