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Basketball and Life

24 Jun

Life is just like basketball, it can be easy yet it can be complicated. 

In Basketball, all you have to do is just put the ball into the hoop. Easy eh? 


Similarly in life, all you have to do is just enjoy every moment of your life. 

However, putting the ball into the hoop is not as simple as it seems. There are various ways to do so, either perimeter shooting, layup, dunk and etc. 


Similarly in life, there are various ways to live your life. Work day in day out to earn money, do what u like to do everyday, rot till you die etc. 

To make things more interesting, basketball isn’t a single player game. There must be two parties to start the game. 


In life, you are not the only person in the world. There are your friends, relatives, family members, peers and people relevant and not relevant to you. 

And in the game, you ain’t getting easy basket. Your opponent will do whatever it takes to interfere your shot.



Likewise in life, you won’t be sailing smoothly everyday. There bound to be some obstacle in life that you must overcome. 

So ain’t living a life and basketball almost similar? it can be so simple yet complicated. 

However, In a basketball game, the party who scores the most point within a period of time won the game. In life, there’s no winning and losing nor any buzzer beater. You just have to grind through everyday. 

Well, in a nutshell those who enjoy playing basketball will most likely enjoy their life since it’s at least 90% similar. Cheers ~