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Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner

2 Feb

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Chinese new year is a time of great celebration marked by different festive activities everywhere. New year in China is looked forward with great anticipation and high expectations. Chinese new year reunion dinner is held on the new year’s eve where members of the family get together for celebrations. The new year’s eve dinner is very large and traditionally includes chicken, fish and dumplings. On the first day of the New Years Event, Chinese new year family reunion dinner is held at every household to commemorate the usherance of new year.

Chinese new year reunion dinner recipes like ‘Lotus seed’, “Jiao zi”, “Fa cai” and “Nian gao” are served since they signify family strength and unity. According to ancient Chinese tradition, foods have symbolic significance based on their appearance.

Chinese new year reunion dinner is more of a family affair with young and old sitting together to have a wonderful course of feast. The reunion dinner has a traditional significance, such as Chinese dumplings implying wealth since they have the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots. Everyone, drinks a little of Jiu, which symbolizes longevity since Jiu has the same pronunciation as longevity in Chinese

Chinese new year reunion ceremonial dinner is observed in honor of marked respect to the family ancestors and the kitchen god. It’s an annual manifestation of the love and respect that binds the whole of the family together.

7 things to do when you’re really angry

1 Feb

Get really pissed today when having dinner with my family and my relatives. I think they might not do it on purpose but sometimes I really don’t like people bump into my business without knowing anything about my life.

Furthermore, I don’t mind if my parents favor my sister over me since they always think my sister is better than me in a lot of sense. I don’t mind if they don’t see my talent or potential. I don’t even give a damn if they care about me, but I really don’t like it when they slander me saying I say something that I did not.

I know what my dear partner gonna say to me after reading this. I know they might not do it intentionally, or i might just be oversensitive over certain issues. I know should not magnify on certain issues and think positive etc etc. But for the time being, I’ll just endure all of it and I swear I’ll prove my worthiness one day. Not to anyone, but to myself. I don’t owe anyone an explanation but myself, I will prove to myself that what is the juice worth to squeeze of.

We’ve all had those moments. First, you feel your face start to tingle, then your heart begins to pound, and then you ball up your fists and feel like kicking a wall (or at least tearing to shreds that “service agreement” that after three weeks brought you no service at all.)

Anger can be powerful — but there are healthy and unhealthy ways of dealing with it. Handle your frustration properly, and it can get your blood flowing and spur you on to make positive changes. Here’s how to tame your inner raging bull:

1. Acknowledge It: Clenching your teeth while stuffing your feelings does no good for you, your mate, or your gastrointestinal tract. There’s nothing wrong with being angry.

Admitting it to yourself, or as calmly as possible to the person you’re locking horns with, can feel validating, and it’s the first step in working toward resolution.

2. Spell it out: Still simmering after an awful performance evaluation? Writing down your feelings — yes, the prehistoric pen and paper can work as well, if not better, than the laptop-can be extremely helpful.

In the process, you can sort out why you’re upset and what steps you can take work through the situation. Perhaps most important, putting your feelings into words can diminish their grip on you and help them work their way out of your system.

3. Get physical: Biologically, anger looks quite similar to other forms of arousal. Get connected to your body, and channel the rage into an activity that can release tension-dancing, jumping rope, kickboxing and running are great examples.

Do a primal scream (if you’re blessed not to share walls.) Instead of letting frustration burn you up, you can let it burn off. Sometimes the energy release of a good laugh, or a good cry, can also take the edge off.

4. Seek perspective: If you’re still feeling steamed from that bully on the exit ramp or the backhanded tone from the bartender, it might be time to make a list of the things you’re grateful for.

Gratitude meditations, or just sitting and focusing on what’s right in your life, are associated with increased fulfillment and diminished stress. Breaking out the yardstick to determine mountain from molehill can sometimes help clear your head.

5. Connect, carefully: Sharing your feelings with a trusted person can often be very cathartic. Don’t make excuses for your emotions or buff them to a shine; just let them flow.

But beware of the friend who just riles you up further; there’s a difference between letting you vent and fanning your flames.

6. Take action: If it’s a serial aggressor that’s getting you down, chart out steps to improve the situation. A methodical, specific plan of action can lend a sense of control, helping stop the madness.

7. Watch it: Sometimes even when things seem resolved, anger can linger in the form of hypersensitivity, irritability, and insomnia.

Increasing your mindfulness — or at the very least, keeping an ear attuned to your inner dialogue of thoughts and feelings — can serve as an early warning system for future conflicts.

It can also help you determine if you’re carrying around the weight of that snarky email long after it’s good to do so.

Not Feeling Well Again

18 Jan

Not feeling well for the whole day….. having heavy headache, sore throat and actually quite high fever. Visited a doctor after work and found out that i had a very high fever .. it’s 39 degree Celsius XD…..I’m surprise that not much people notice that i am actually in a very bad condition for the day except a few of my colleague….. i swear that it’s a lie when people tell you girls are more caring and observant compare to guys…… that’s actually bullshit.

Am actually very moody for the day due to the constant headache, but i must thanks my Partner Azlan and Shafiq for cheering me up…… and especially all the jokes. Feel very grateful for the concern and companion for the day.

Well, guess i am a normal mortal being made from flesh and blood after all. Hopefully i will recover after taking a rest tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be another good day.

The Way I “ROCK”

17 Jan

Well i think i had been quite lost for the past few weeks due to various circumstances but i finally find back my “STYLE” today. In Life or organization, there is always two types of person. One that gives out the orders and one who execute the orders.  So which one am i ???? Nah, i happen to realize today that i am actually stupid to be bound by the choice they provide me with till i forgotten who i am. I realized that i am neither of it.

I ROCK not by giving people orders nor executing people orders perfectly. I Rock by innovating my own orders and executing it together with the executioner.

Knowing who i am today really cheers me up and motivates me a lot. And the most interesting things that happen today is that, my current working partner actually reminds me of something that i almost forgotten of. He told me that, there’s something unique about me and i should not let the environment change that personality of me. In facts, we’re facing different challenges and struggling in our working environment everyday. Those factors will force us to adapt ourself to fit into the environment. But however, by adapting to the environment… sometimes we lost our personalities and uniqueness that others couldn’t see. We tend to follow the crowd by being part of them thus, unconsciously we turn ourself into a follower. Therefore, what my working partner told me today reminds me of what type of person i “WANT” to be instead of what others “Need” me to be.

In the future, i believe i will face more and more challenges again. Some might crush my confidence some might trash my personality. But for me, it doesn’t matters cause I believe deep in my heart about my capabilities and strengths, I knew very well my weakness, I exploit my own opportunities around and I am very confident that i can handle all the threats i am facing.


Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is coerced to the purposes, objectives, or preferences of another is not a follower in any true sense of the word, but an object of manipulation. Nor is the relationship materially altered if both parties accept dominance and coercion. True leading and following presume perpetual liberty of both leader and follower to sever the relationship and pursue another path. A true leader cannot be bound to lead. A true follower cannot be bound to follow. The moment they are bound, they are no longer leader or follower. The terms leader and follower imply the freedom and independent judgment of both. If the behavior of either is compelled, whether by force, economic necessity, or contractual arrangement, the relationship is altered to one of superior/subordinate, management/employee, master/servant, or owner/slave. All such relationships are materially different than leader-follower.

Induced behavior is the essence of leader-follower. Compelled behavior is the essence of all the others. Where behavior is compelled, there lies tyranny, however benign. Mere behavior is induced, there lies leadership, however powerful. Leadership does not imply constructive, ethical, open conduct. It is entirely possible to induce destructive, malign, devious behavior and to do so by corrupt means. Therefore, a clear, meaningful purpose and compelling ethical principles evoked from all participants should be the essence of every relationship, and every institution.

A compelling question is how to ensure that those who lead are constructive, ethical, open, and honest. The answer is to follow those who will behave in that manner. It comes down to both the individual and collective sense of where and how people choose to be led. In a very real sense, followers lead by choosing where to be led. Where a community will be led is inseparable from the conscious, shared values and beliefs of the individuals of which it is composed.

True leaders are those who epitomize the general sense of the community — who symbolize, legitimize, and strengthen behavior in accordance with the sense of the community — who enable its conscious, shared values and beliefs to emerge, expand, and be transmitted from generation to generation-who enable that which is trying to happen to come into being. The true leader’s behavior is induced by the behavior of every individual who chooses where they will be led.

The important thing to remember is that true leadership and induced behavior can be constructive or destructive, but have an inherent tendency to good, while tyranny and compelled behavior have an inherent tendency to evil.

Over the years, I have frequently had long, unstructured discussions with hundreds of groups of people at every level in diverse organizations about any subject of concern to them. The conversations most often gravitate to management; either aspirations to it, dissatisfaction with it, or confusion about it. To avoid ambiguity, I ask each person to describe the single most important responsibility of any manager. The incredibly diverse responses always have one thing in common. All are downward looking. Management inevitably has to do with exercise of authority — with selecting employees, motivating them, training them, appraising them, organizing them, directing them, controlling them. That perception is mistaken.

The first and paramount responsibility of anyone who purports to manage is to manage self, one’s own integrity, character, ethics, knowledge, wisdom, temperament, words, and acts. It is a complex, never-ending, incredibly difficult, oft-shunned task. Management of self is something at which we spend little time and rarely excel precisely because it is so much more difficult than prescribing and controlling the behavior of others. Without management of self, no one is fit for authority, no matter how much they acquire. The more authority they acquire the more dangerous they become. It is the management of self that should have half of our time and the best of our ability. And when we do, the ethical, moral, and spiritual elements of managing self are inescapable.

Asked to identify the second responsibility of any manager, again people produce a bewildering variety of opinions, again downward-looking. Another mistake. The second responsibility is to manage those who have authority over us: bosses, supervisors, directors, regulators, ad infinitum. In an organized world, there are always people with authority over us. Without their consent and support, how can we follow conviction, exercise judgment, use creative ability, achieve constructive results, or create conditions by which others can do the same? Managing superiors is essential. Devoting a quarter of our time and ability to that effort is not too much.

Asked for the third responsibility, people become a bit uneasy and uncertain. Yet, their thoughts remain on subordinates. Mistaken again. The third responsibility is to manage one’s peers — those over whom we have no authority and who have no authority over us — associates, competitors, suppliers, customers — the entire environment, if you will. Without their support, respect, and confidence, little or nothing can be accomplished. Peers can make a small heaven or hell of our life. Is it not wise to devote at least a fifth of our time, energy, and ingenuity to managing peers?

Asked for the fourth responsibility, people have difficulty coming up with an answer, for they are now troubled by thinking downward. However, if one has attended to self, superiors, and peers, there is little else left. The fourth responsibility is to manage those over whom we have authority. The common response is that all one’s time will be consumed managing self, superiors, and peers. There will be no time to manage subordinates. Exactly! One need only select decent people, introduce them to the concept, induce them to practice it, and enjoy the process. If those over whom we have authority properly manage themselves, manage us, manage their peers, and replicate the process with those they employ, what is there to do but see they are properly recognized, rewarded, and stay out of their way? It is not making better people of others that management is about. It’s about making a better person of self. Income, power, and titles have nothing to do with that.

The obvious question then always erupts. How do you manage superiors-bosses, regulators, associates, customers? The answer is equally obvious. You cannot. But can you understand them? Can you persuade them? Can you motivate them? Can you disturb them, influence them, forgive them? Can you set them an example? Eventually the proper word will emerge. Can you lead them?

Of course you can, provided only that you have properly led yourself. There are no rules and regulations so rigorous, no organization so hierarchal, no bosses so abusive that they can prevent us from behaving this way. No individual and no organization can prevent such use of our energy, ability, and ingenuity. They may make it more difficult, but they can’t prevent it. The real power is ours, not theirs.

There is an immense difficulty in this perception of things. Failure is constant and certain. If one’s conduct, intelligence, and effort are deficient, as at times they inevitably must be, it is a failure of the first magnitude. If one fails to gain the confidence, consent, and support of superiors, it is a failure of the second magnitude. If one is subverted by peers, dominated by competitors, or hamstrung by mindless regulators, it is a failure of the third magnitude. If those over whom we have authority are not induced to understand, accept, and practice the concept, it is a failure of the fourth magnitude. One must look to self for every failure.

At first, it seems an impossible burden to bear. Upon reflection, it is neither to be dreaded nor feared. It is no burden at all. Success, while it may provide encouragement, build confidence, and be joyful indeed, often teaches an insidious lesson-to have too high an opinion of self. It is from failure that amazing growth and grace so often come, provided only that one can recognize it, admit it, learn from it, rise above it, and try again. There is no reason to be discouraged by shortcomings. True leadership presumes a standard quite beyond human perfectibility, and that is quite all right, for joy and satisfaction are in the pursuit of an objective, not in its realization. The only question of importance is whether one constantly rises in the scale.

It is easy to test this concept. Reflect a moment on group endeavors of which you are an observer rather than participant. If your interest runs to ballet, you can undoubtedly recall when the corps seemed to rise above the individual ability of each dancer and achieve a magical, seemingly effortless performance. If your interest runs to sports, the same phenomenon is apparent. Teams whose performance transcends the ability of individuals. The same phenomenon can be observed in the symphony, the theater, in fact, every group endeavor, including business and government.

Every choreographer, conductor, and coach, or for that matter, corporation president, has tried to distill the essence of such performance. Countless others have tried to explain, and reduce to a mechanistic, measurably controlled process, that which causes the phenomenon. It has never been done and it never will be. It is easily observed, universally admired, and occasionally experienced. It happens, but cannot be deliberately done. It is rarely long sustained but can be repeated. It arises from the relationships and interaction of those from which it is composed. Some organizations seem consistently able to do so, just as some leaders seem able to cause it to happen with consistency, even within different organizations.

To be precise, one cannot speak of leaders who cause organizations to achieve superlative performance, for no one can cause it to happen. Leaders can only recognize and modify conditions that prevent it; perceive and articulate a sense of community, a vision of the future, a body of principle to which people can become passionately committed, then encourage and enable them to discover and bring forth the extraordinary capabilities that lie trapped in everyone struggling to get out.

Without question, the most abundant, least expensive, most underutilized, and constantly abused resource in the world is human ingenuity. The source of that abuse is mechanistic, Industrial Age, dominator concepts of organization and the management practices they spawn.

In the deepest sense, distinction between leaders and followers is meaningless. In every moment of life, we are simultaneously leading and following. There is never a time when our knowledge, judgment, and wisdom are not more useful and applicable than that of another. There is never a time when the knowledge, judgment, and wisdom of another are not more useful and applicable than ours. At any time that “other” may be superior, subordinate, or peer.

Everyone is a born leader. Who can deny that from the moment of birth they were leading parents, siblings, and companions? Watch a baby cry and the parents jump. We were all born leaders; that is, until we were compelled to go to school and taught to be managed and to manage.

People are not “things” to be manipulated, labeled, boxed, bought, and sold. Above all else, they are not “human resources.” They are entire human beings, containing the whole of the evolving universe, limitless until we start limiting them. We must examine the concept of leading and following with new eyes. We must examine the concept of superior and subordinate with increasing skepticism. We must examine the concept of management and labor with new beliefs. And we must examine the nature of organizations that demand such distinctions with an entirely different consciousness.

It is true leadership; leadership by everyone; leadership in, up, around, and down this world so badly needs, and dominator management it so sadly gets.

Re-Pick up my confidence :D

13 Jan

Gonna Re-motivate myself for my confidence !!!!!

Yeah, uh, uh
It’s the world’s greatest
It’s the world’s greatest
C’mon, yeah
The world’s greatest

I am a mountain, I am a tall tree, oh
I am a swift wind sweepin’ the country
I am a river down in the valley, oh
I am a vision and I can see clearly

If anybody asks you who I am
Just stand up tall
Look ’em in the face and say

I’m that star up in the sky
I’m that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I’m the world’s greatest
And I’m that little bit of hope
When my back’s against the ropes
I can feel it
I’m the world’s greatest

(The world’s greatest, yo)
(The world’s greatest ever)

I am a giant, I am an eagle, oh
I am a lion, down in the jungle
I am a marchin’ band, I am the people, oh
I am a helping hand, I am a hero

If anybody asks you who I am
Just stand up tall
Look ’em in the face and say

I’m that star up in the sky
I’m that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I’m the world’s greatest
And I’m that little bit of hope
When my back’s against the ropes
I can feel it
I’m the world’s greatest

In the ring of life I’ll reign love
And the world will notice a king
When all is darkest, I’ll shine a light
And use a success you’ll find in me

I’m that star up in the sky
I’m that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I’m the world’s greatest
And I’m that little bit of hope
When my back’s against the ropes
I can feel it
I’m the world’s greatest

I’m that star up in the sky
I’m that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I’m the world’s greatest
And I’m that little bit of hope
When my back’s against the ropes
I can feel it
I’m the world’s greatest

I’m that star up in the sky
I’m that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I’m the world’s greatest
And I’m that little bit of hope
When my back’s against the ropes
I can feel it
I’m the world’s greatest

1 – It’s the greatest
Can you feel it
It’s the greatest
Can you feel it

Repeat 1 while:
I saw the light
At the end of a tunnel
Believe in the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
And faith was right there
To pull me through, yeah
Used to be locked doors
Now I can just walk on through
Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey
It’s the greatest
I’m that star up in the sky

I’m that star up in the sky
I’m that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I’m the world’s greatest
And I’m that little bit of hope
When my back’s against the ropes
I can feel it
I’m the world’s greatest

Emotion and frustration

13 Jan

Hopes and expectation….it’s actually a double edge sword i believe.  When there are hopes and expectation on you, you will either get motivated or if you can’t manage it well, it will turn out to be stress and frustration. It certainly does not motivates me today. Sometimes i just dislike people to rate me so highly or put their faith on me too easily….

I hate it when people thought me as a superman or a perfect human being, entrust me with everything, raise their expectation on me which i myself need time to adjust myself for that. All of these just come all together……. it ruined my personality, my emotion, my feelings and i’m not sure what to do……. I could only say whatever happens today just drives me nuts. I rather just to be myself and not knowing so many things ….. knowing so many things corrupted my thinking and my mind….  i really don’t know what to do …… i’m lost and in the end i’m left with the feeling of frustration.

When you feel extremely frustrated, your judgment will get distorted. You might lose interest, become critical, or give up and stop taking further action. You might also cover up your dissatisfaction by diverting it through different channels like overeating, binge drinking or any other activities that will replace the frustrating feeling.

“All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right about face which turns us from failure to success.” – Dorothea Brande

The Main Causes of the Emotion of Frustration

  1. When you don’t feel satisfied with the result from your efforts.
  2. When you feel letdown.
  3. When someone or something thwarts your plan.
  4. When you feel unappreciated.
  5. If you are living in denial.
  6. When your needs are not met.
  7. From cumulative and mounting challenges.

Dealing with the Emotion of Frustration

Plan out something new or different.

When you don’t get the results that you anticipated from your efforts, maybe, just maybe, you have overlooked a few things that you should have done. Go through your list and see what works and what needs deletion.

What you can do now is prepare and plan out a new strategy. Do something else and different from your original plan. The more new and different things that you do, the better are the chances of getting it right. The next thing that you attempt could provide the solution and the result that you desire.

There is always something that you can do to change or improve the results. It may take time but every little thing that you do each day will get you there.Brainstorm new ideas and go ahead and try them.

Gather more information to obtain better ideas. Emulate those who have achieved what you desire and use their experiences to help you through.

Visualize the end result and take control of your thoughts.

Visualize what you want to happen. Don’t imagine what you don’t want because anything that you experience in your life, you first create it in your mind. Keep focusing on that goal and repeat the visualization exercise as often as possible.

When you encounter roadblocks and barriers, it is difficult to stay motivated. But you can make the emotion of frustration trip shorter when you are able to take control of your thoughts.

Accept and acknowledge that “shit happens.” It is the ability to challenge your negative self talk that will help you improve how you feel. Change the words andpictures that you describe and interpret things and your feeling will change.

If you can’t discipline your mind to form new thoughts and pictures, try the powerful words and images tool called MindMaster. It is a tool to help you reach whatever your goals are, easier and faster. Get the free trial.


One of the reasons you get frustrated at work or in your relationships with others is because you want things and people to conform to your needs. It’s wasting your effort.

Everyone has his own motives and desires. You cannot make someone change his mind unless he wants to. Of course you can appeal, bribe or threaten. But this method produces a result that is short-lived.

Accept people for what they are. Better yourself instead. Learn to communicate and interact effectively.

If you are upset with your working or living condition, you can either accept and make the best of what you have or better still change, either yourself or the situation.

What if your needs are not met?

If you were a kid, there is a reason for you to have your needs unmet and causesthe emotion of frustration. Kids don’t have much option. They rely and depend on their parents.

But you are not. You are an adult, a mature and capable one.

If you are dissatisfied with your life experiences, it’s partly your fault. You have not done enough or done what you should. You have not communicated your needs clearly. You may not have been honest with yourself or the other person. Or worst, you don’t know what you really want and because of that, allowed things to just happen.

Happiness is a choice and you are responsible for your own. Do things to meet your own needs. People around you will reciprocate to your enthusiasm.

Trust and have faith.

Trust that there is a solution to what is causing you the emotion of frustration. The result that you are getting now may seem not worth mentioning. Have faiththat by putting in more or different concentrated efforts, you are allowing theinvincible power to give you what you are expecting.

Strengthen your mind and spirit through the tough times and think only about the next tiny step you can take to make a difference. Take time to reflect each day, listen to your hunches and promptings and trust your intuition. They can lead you to the right direction and give you the answers that you need.

Release and let go of emotional block.

An event or incident that happened in your past is stored inside you and is contributing the your present state. Unless you release this memory, you will feel frustrated everytime something that look or feel similar occur. One of the most effective methods to release your emotion of frustration is to use EFT or emotional freedom technique or also called eft tapping.


11 Jan

The day door is closed,
The echo’s fill your soul.
They wont say which way to go,
Just trust your heart.

To find what you’re here for,
Open another door.
I’m not sure anymore.
It’s just so hard.

The voices in my head,
Tell me they know best!
Got me on the edge,
they’re pushin’, pushin’,
they’re pushin’

I know they got a plan,
While the balls in my hands!
This time its man-to-man,
I’m droppin’, fightin’, its time too.

Whole worlds upside down,
What do I do now? Cause I choke!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. So bad I’m gonna Scream!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

I’m kickin’ down the walls.
I gotta make ‘em fall!
Just break through them all!
I’m pushin’, crashin’, I’m gonna
Fight to find myself,
Me and no one else!
Which way I get down, pushin’,
Searchin’, can’t find a
Road that I should take,
I should, tomorrow left us!
Like nothing works without you!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. So bad I’m gonna Scream!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

Yeah we’re cooks, running down,
hear the crowd gettin’ loud!
I’m consumed by the sound!
Is it hurt? Is it love?
Has it ever been enough?
Gotta work it out, gotta work it out!
You can do it, you can do it!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. So bad I’m gonna Scream!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. I want my own thing!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

Ohh! Ahh!!!!

DISC personality test and ME

8 Jan

I (Influence)

General Characteristics:
Enthusiastic. Trusting; Optimistic. Persuasive; Talkative. Impulsive; Emotional

Value to Team:
Creative problem solver. Great encourager. Motivates others to achieve. Positive sense of humor. Negotiates conflicts; peace maker.

Possible Weaknesses:
More concerned with popularity than tangible results. Inattentive to detail. Overuses gestures and facial expressions. Tends to listen only when it’s convenient.

Greatest Fear:

Motivated By:
Flattery, praise, popularity, and acceptance. A friendly environment. Freedom from many rules and regulations. Other people available to handle details.

Ideal Environment:
Practical procedures. Few conflicts and arguments. Freedom from controls and details. A forum to express ideas. Group activities in professional and social environments

Remember a High I May Want:
Social esteem and acceptance, freedom from details and control, people to talk to, positive working conditions, recognition for abilities, opportunity to motivate and influence others.

Build a favorable, friendly environment. Give opportunity for them to verbalize about ideas, people and their intuition. Assist them in developing ways to transfer talk into action. Share testimonials from others relating to proposed ideas. Allow time for stimulating, sociable activities. Submit details in writing, but don’t dwell on them. Develop a participative relationship. Create incentives for following through on tasks.

Eliminate social time. Do all the talking. Ignore their ideas or accomplishments. Tell them what to do.

While analyzing information, a High I may:
Lose concentration. Miss important facts and details. Interrupt. Be creative in problem solving.

I’s possess these positive characteristics in teams:
Instinctive communicators. Participative managers – influence and inspire. Motivate the team. Spontaneous and agreeable. Respond well to the unexpected. Create an atmosphere of well being. Enthusiastic. Provide direction and leadership. Express ideas well. Work well with other people. Make good spokespersons. Will offer opinions. Persuasive. Have a positive attitude. Accomplish goals through people. Good sense of humor. Accepting of others. Strong in brainstorming sessions.

Personal Growth Areas for I’s:
Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision; be less impulsive. Be more results oriented. Exercise control over your actions, words, and emotions. Focus more on details and facts. Remember to slow down your pace for other team members. Talk less; listen more. Consider and evaluate ideas from other team members. Concentrate on following through with tasks.

D (Drive)

General Characteristics:
Direct. Decisive. High Ego Strength. Problem Solver. Risk Taker. Self Starter

Value to Team:
Bottom-line organizer. Places value on time. Challenges the status quo. Innovative

Possible Weaknesses:
Oversteps authority. Argumentative attitude. Dislikes routine. Attempts too much at once.

Greatest Fear:
Being taken advantage of.

Motivated By:
New challenges. Power and authority to take risks and make decisions. Freedom from routine and mundane tasks. Changing environments in which to work and play.

Ideal Environment:
Innovative focus on future. Non-routine challenging tasks and activities. Projects that produce tangible results. Freedom from controls, supervision, and details. Personal evaluation based on results, not methods.

Remember a High D May Want:
Authority, varied activities, prestige, freedom, assignments promoting growth, “bottom line” approach, and opportunity for advancement.

Be brief, direct, and to the point. Ask “what” not “how” questions. Focus on business; remember they desire results. Suggest ways for him/her to achieve results, be in charge, and solve problems. Highlight logical benefits of featured ideas and approaches.

Ramble. Repeat yourself. Focus on problems. Be too sociable. Make generalizations. Make statements without support.

While analyzing information, a High D may:
Ignore potential risks. Not weigh the pros and cons. Not consider others’ opinions. Offer innovative and progressive systems and ideas.

D’s possess these positive characteristics in teams:
Autocratic managers – great in crisis. Self-reliant. Innovative in getting results. Maintain focus on goals. Specific and direct. Overcome obstacles. Provide direction and leadership. Push group toward decisions. Willing to speak out. Generally optimistic. Welcome challenges without fear. Accept risks. See the big picture. Can handle multiple projects. Function well with heavy work loads.

Personal Growth Areas for D’s:

Strive to be an “active” listener. Be attentive to other team members’ ideas until everyone reaches a consensus. Be less controlling and domineering. Develop a greater appreciation for the opinions, feelings, and desires of others. Put more energy into personal relationships. Show your support for other team members. Take time to explain the “whys” of your statements and proposals. Be friendlier and more approachable.

Dennis (D) – (Specific for someone who always upset me)

General Characteristics:

impulsive (Very very), emotional (Very ), high ego strength (Very), possessive (Very) , Enthusiastic, trusting, optimistic, persuasive, talkative,  direct,  risk taker,  good listener (partially only), team player (partially only),  friendly (partially only)

Possible Weaknesses:

Dislikes routine , more concerned with popularity than tangible results , inattentive to detail , holds a grudge(Very) , sensitive to criticism (Very),  needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/relationships (Please do give me clear-cut boundaries for this , don’t like to keep things unknown), will give in rather that argue (depends to who, private yes; work no), overstep authority, argumentative attitude,  attempts too much at once, , overused gestures and facial expressions, tends to listen only when it’s convenient,  takes a long time to adjust to change,  difficulty establishing priorities.

Greatest Fear:

Being taken advantage of, rejection (Very), loss of security, criticism.

Motivated By:

New challenges, changing environments in which to work and play, freedom from routine and mundane tasks. Flattery (Very) , praise (Very) , popularity (Very), and acceptance (Very), a friendly environment, freedom from many rules and regulations, other people available to handle details, recognition for loyalty and dependability.

Ideal Environment:

instructions and reassurance that they are doing what is expected of them (Please do tell me, i don’t know what to do at the moment), innovative focus on future , non-routine challenging tasks and activities,  projects that produce tangible results., freedom from controls, supervision, and details, personal evaluation based on results, not methods, a forum to express ideas, practical procedures, few conflicts and arguments, group activities in professional and social environments,

Remember a High D May Want:

Authority, varied activities, prestige, freedom, assignments promoting growth, “bottom line” approach, and opportunity for advancement, social esteem and acceptance, freedom from details and control, people to talk to, positive working conditions, recognition for abilities, opportunity to motivate and influence others. sincere appreciation precise expectations and goals


Be brief, direct, and to the point (Tell me what you want please), create a favorable environment: personal and agreeable (Yea please be nice to me, i don’t like “Too” mean partner) , assist them in developing ways to transfer talk into action (Yea please support me =P) , express a genuine interest in them as a person (Yea yea yea important) , focus on business; remember they desire results , build a favorable, highlight logical benefits of featured ideas and approaches. Give opportunity for them to verbalize about ideas, people and their intuition. Share testimonials from others relating to proposed ideas (I share mine with you all the time right). Allow time for stimulating, sociable activities. Submit details in writing, but don’t dwell on them. Develop a participative relationship. Create incentives for following through on tasks . Be specific when agreeing. Disagree with the facts rather than the person when disagreeing. Be patient, persistent, and diplomatic while providing explanations. (Yea yea )

DON’T: (Important)

Test my limits (Very easy to get upset), provoke me to do something (I’m easily provoked), ramble, repeat yourself, make generalizations, make statements without support, eliminate social time, be pushy, overly aggressive (don’t really mind actually cause i’ll still win eventually), or demanding, be too confrontational, answer questions vaguely or casually.

Bubble love

7 Jan

Recently I’m getting very headache in understanding something….. just when I get near, “it” shy away; when I get away, “it” comes near. I have no idea what’s on the mind nor what it’s up to…..I even have no idea that weather it knew about this or just trying to play dumb with me. How I wish life is like a console game where I can use cheat code or like who want to be a millionaire TV show where I can use the Hint function…….

Well like the lyrics in “The Beatles – Let it Be” , i shall just let it be for the moment and not doing anything

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be.

“Love is Like A Bubble (Rarely Found, Easily Broken)”

조영수 with 서인영, 그리고 MC몽
사랑의 All Star Compilation
사랑의 물방울처럼 투명해지길
그리고 그 사랑에 모두가 행복해지길

널 사랑해 너보다 값진 건 없어
널 사랑해 세상 누구보다 더
저 하늘에 빛을 따라가다 만난
오직 나를 위한 한 사람

톡톡 튀는 우리들의 bubble love
kiss 처럼 입술 모여 부는 bubble gum
행여나 혹시 그댄 내 마음 알까
얼굴만 봐도 뭘 안 먹어도 배불러
one step, two step in 한 걸음 더
네 마음을 열어줘 조금만 더
네 목소리만 들어도 난 너무 좋아
끊지말고 통화하자 5분만 더
this sweet bubble love 너무 새콤달콤 해
투명한 네 마음처럼 너무 깔끔해
crystal clear 널향해 달려 up in the air 날려 날려
don’t be afraid blow it away 걱정 거리들 모두 밀어내
너와 나의 약속 서로를 위로해 마치 엄마 약손 바로 치료돼

널 사랑해 너보다 값진 건 없어
널 사랑해 세상 누구보다 더
저 하늘에 빛을 따라가다 만난
오직 나를 위한 한 사람

세상은 정글 험한 가시덤불
그 사이 날 막아주는 튼튼한 건물
내 몸과 마음의 치유 효과를 높이는
그대는 지상 최대의 내게준 선물
널 위해 살아갈게 i will never stop
눈물조차도 i’ll never make it drop
모든 걸 담을 사랑의 물방울
커져가는 bubble love never let it pop
길거리를 걷다가도 아침밥을 먹다가도
피곤해서 졸다가도 네 생각만 나
방송을 하다가도 가사를 쓰다가도
노래를 부를때도 네 생각만 나
쓰라린 내게도 이젠 봄이 왔으니
저 물방울처럼 투명해지리
빛은 어둠 속에 밝게 빛나니 (빛나리)
그대는 내곁에 더 밝게 빛나리 (밝게 빛나리)

널 사랑해 너보다 값진 건 없어
널 사랑해 세상 누구보다 더
저 하늘에 빛을 따라가다 만난
오직 나를 위한 한 사람

hook) x 2
붕붕 뜨게 i be keepin’ it up
계속 배워가고 있어 사랑 지키는 법
내 사랑은 투명한 bubble bubble love
내 사랑은 투명한 bubble bubble love

내 입가에 미소가 떠나질 않아
너 때문에 난 너무나 행복해
저하늘에 빛을 따라가다 만난
오직 나를 위한 한 사람

Jo Young Soo with Seo In Young, and MC Mong
Love’s All Star Compilation
Hoping love’s transparent like a water drop
And hoping all to be happy with that love

I love you there’s nothing more precious than you
I love you more than anyone in the world
Met along the light in the sky
The one and only person meant for me

Pop pop our popping bubble love
Like a kiss gathered lips blowing bubble gum
Wondering if you know my feelings
Though I don’t eat, just looking at your face makes me full
One step, Two step in one more step
Open your heart up just a little more
Just listening to your voice makes me happy
Don’t hang up, let’s talk 5 minutes more
This sweet bubble love is so sweet
Like your transparent heart it’s so clean
Crystal clear running towards you up in the air blow it blow it
Don’t be afraid blow it away push away all your worries
Our promise to comfort each other like a mothers magic hand that cures right away

I love you there’s nothing more precious than you
I love you more than anyone in the world
Met along the light in the sky
The one person only meant for me

The worlds a jungle, harsh thorn-ed bush
In between a building that blocks me
My body and soul’s increasing healing effect
You’re the best gift from this land
I’ll live on for you I will never stop
Even tears I’ll never make it drop
Love’s water drop to put everything in
The growing bubble love never let it pop
Though walking on the road, though I’m eating
Though I’m falling asleep from being tired, I can only think of you
Though I’m broadcasting, though I’m writing lyrics
Even while singing I only think of you
Now spring is here even to the bitter me
Like the water drop, become transparent
Light is only brighter inside darkness (Become brighter)
You staying by my side becomes even brighter (Even brighter)

I love you there’s nothing more precious than you
I love you more than anyone in the world
Met along the light in the sky
The one person only meant for me

(Hook x2)
Bboong bboong lifted I be keepin’ it up
I keep learning the way to protect love
My love is transparent bubble bubble love
My love is transparent bubble bubble love love

I love you there’s nothing more precious than you
I love you more than anyone in the world
Met along the light in the sky
The one person only meant for me

Complicated Life

6 Jan

“Complicated and simple are actually two sides of the same coin: in order to see complexity, you have to have the notion of simplicity, and vice-versa. So neither complexity NOR simplicity have any independent reality of their own.
But so what? That’s not really what we humans are concerned about when this question comes up, is it? What we want to really know is “why am I confused, and how can I know what’s important and what to focus on?” There’s an anxiety associated with this sense that life is so complex that it’s pulling us in many directions at once and we can’t get “centered”.

There are two opposite capacities that we have as humans: analysis and synthesis. Analysis is based in the mind’s ability to separate things from each other: to form concepts, draw boundaries, build models of relationships, etc. This discriminative ability is what makes life look complicated: WE chop reality up into lots of little pieces and study them in isolation, and the number of such pieces we can create is actually infinite.
So if we ONLY have analysis running (without any synthesis), we end up with a distressingly LARGE supply of pieces to study.
Synthesis is different: synthesis puts pieces together into larger wholes. Most of us are not nearly as good at synthesis as we are at analysis, but many of us can do it well in specific areas: someone who has really “mastered” an art form, craft, or sport is practicing synthesis — they have “become one” with their chosen discipline, creating a synthesis in which “self and paint”, or “self and instrument”, or “self and ball” have ceased to be two completely separate things, and have merged into a larger whole.

From the outside, such a synthesis may look like magic, and in a way it is. But it’s more valuable to see the deeper process at work: the collecting of bits and pieces and restoring their original wholeness, prior to discrimination / separation — that’s what resolves our anxiety about complexity.

So why does THIS explanation sound so complicated? Because the mind which analyzes wants to cling to thorough explanations, and having such an explanation helps it to relax a bit. What we’re really talking about in practical terms is learning to be aware (synthesis) instead of continuing to focus on thinking (analysis).
Awareness is synthesis: if you want life to be simpler, without going down some strange tunnel like throwing out 90% of your stuff, learn to be more aware. That will solve the life-is-complicated problem where it really matters”

Well, that’s not the most important part anyway. Recently, in work or private i find that life is just too complicated and most of the time we ourself make it complicated.

I had to struggle to perform everyday because in the end our performance is being evaluated? Watch out what to write in email because we are being monitored? Watch out what i speak because there are eyes and ears around?  Can’t be nice to others because they are your competitors? Can’t do something because it doesn’t look goods for you or because someone don’t like it? Etc etc….

In the end, I really don’t care actually…… even though my friends keep discussing about behaving yourself or watch out this and that… I really find it unnecessary and stupid. Why do you have to try to act like not yourself? Why must I alter myself to suits the environment? Why must I follow what others tell me to do? Why must I follow the path of others?

Seriously, i just don’t care. Be it my performance is on stake or what, i just want to be myself in the end. You like me you take me, you don’t like me then so be it , i shall find another place which suits me. I like to hang out with my friends, play around and joke around with people i feel comfortable with. Be friend with everyone sincerely, stay with the girl that i “like” (i know you will see this, i’ll see how long you can run away ). I won’t change myself to suits the environment….

I had strong belief that a diamond will definitely shine one day even without those luxury processing work. If you believe you are great, then you will be great even without pretend to be great.

At the end of the day, you can either choose to fake yourself to be what they wanted to look for. But ask yourself before that, Is it really worthy for it to take away all your personality from you? I’ve made mine, I’ll be me myself no matter what happen, what bout you?