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20 Aug

Thou once believe that friendship is eternity. Friends are the most dependable person in the world second to family. 

I was wrong in fact, friendship is fragile and there is no eternity in life. The utopia i once dream of is nothing but fireworks which beauty is just temporary. 

Together as time passes, people changes. Thoughts begin to clash and friends starts to separate ways. The bond shatters into pieces.


Friendship is like a symphony 

The music ebbs and flows,
Sometimes sweet and lovely,

Sometimes sad and full of tears,
Changing with the changing rhythms

When you fall deeply with it, 

The music ends and another chapter with different instrument begins 


Life Is Like An Uncompleted Symphony

20 Aug

Life is like an uncompleted symphony
That goes on and on eternally.
The music ebbs and flows,
Sometimes sweet and lovely,
Sometimes sad and full of tears,
Changing with the changing rhythms
Of the passing years.

You think that all is over
When a little thing goes wrong.
You think that it has ended
With the ending of the song.
You say your heart has broken
When bereaved you sit alone.
The melody of life is drowned
By sorrow’s undertone.
There is silence for a time,
A pause for memory,
Then the music starts again,
But in a different key.

My working life

30 Jul

This is the story of my working life.

I am a cheerful working adult as photo below







Ok i lie, that’s the real me as below









I have an interesting boss in my department who looks like this














Ok i lie again, the photo below shows what he actually looks like in reality (including the height)








Regardless of my boss height, he’s probably as smart as










Jesus please forgive me, my boss probably is as dumb as
















In working life, you have to pay respect to your boss even though he’s short and dumb because

Basketball and Life

24 Jun

Life is just like basketball, it can be easy yet it can be complicated. 

In Basketball, all you have to do is just put the ball into the hoop. Easy eh? 


Similarly in life, all you have to do is just enjoy every moment of your life. 

However, putting the ball into the hoop is not as simple as it seems. There are various ways to do so, either perimeter shooting, layup, dunk and etc. 


Similarly in life, there are various ways to live your life. Work day in day out to earn money, do what u like to do everyday, rot till you die etc. 

To make things more interesting, basketball isn’t a single player game. There must be two parties to start the game. 


In life, you are not the only person in the world. There are your friends, relatives, family members, peers and people relevant and not relevant to you. 

And in the game, you ain’t getting easy basket. Your opponent will do whatever it takes to interfere your shot.



Likewise in life, you won’t be sailing smoothly everyday. There bound to be some obstacle in life that you must overcome. 

So ain’t living a life and basketball almost similar? it can be so simple yet complicated. 

However, In a basketball game, the party who scores the most point within a period of time won the game. In life, there’s no winning and losing nor any buzzer beater. You just have to grind through everyday. 

Well, in a nutshell those who enjoy playing basketball will most likely enjoy their life since it’s at least 90% similar. Cheers ~


My Girlfriend big day

31 Jul

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July 20 , My Girlfriend birthdate

This is one of the usual day of the year, but to me it is one of the most important day in the year.  I wasn’t even blogging this time last year. I’ve come a long way Baby! It’s a perfect birthday day here

Before the clock struck 12, i drove all the way to my beloved house with her birthday present and a surprise birthday cake. And of course, i caught her half awake when i celebrate her birthday at 12 midnight. Too bad she isn’t in her pyjamas when i caught her off guard.

As for the dinner, we celebrate my girlfriend big day at Tom’s where the place was well known to have the best cake in Kuching.

“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents … and only one for birthday presents, you know.” Well that’s the meaning of birthday


A Movie after a stress assignment cure your day

17 Jul

Life is pretty much spice up these days, so i had decided to go for a movie date with my girlfriend after i submitted my assignment.

So which movie to choose?




The decision is ultimately -Transformer 3 Dark of the moon

Overall i kindda enjoy the movie

Story line – 7/10 (Human play too much role in the movie compare to the first episode)

CG – 9/10 (Awesome, the graphics and the fighting scenes are really worth the movie ticket you pay for)

Actor / Actress – 6/10 (I still prefer Megan Fox than Rosie Huntington-Whiteley)

Overall – 8/10

Conclusion -the 2 and half hour movie is worth for the money you pay

Ways to improve relationships

1 Jun

7 Ways to Improve Your Relationship

By Dr. Margaret Paul
December 31, 2006

In the many years that I’ve been doing counseling, I’ve discovered 7 choices that can improve and heal relationships. This article describes those 7 choices.

Good relationships don’t just happen. I’ve heard many of my clients state that, “If I have to work at it, then it’s not the right relationship.” This is not a true statement, any more than it’s true that you don’t have to work at good physical health through exercise, eating well, and stress reduction.

I’ve discovered 7 choices you can make that will not only improve your relationship, but can turn a failing relationship into a successful one.

Take Responsibility for Yourself

This is the most important choice you can make to improve your relationship. This means that you learn how to take responsibility for your own feelings and needs. This means that instead of trying to get your partner to make you feel happy and secure, you learn how to do this for yourself through your own thoughts and actions. This means learning to treat yourself with kindness, caring, compassion, and acceptance instead of self-judgment. Self-judgment will always make you feel unhappy and insecure, no matter how wonderfully your partner is treating you.

For example, instead of getting angry at your partner for your feelings of abandonment when he or she is late, preoccupied and not listening to you, not turned on sexually, and so on, through the practice of Inner Bonding you would explore your own feelings of abandonment and discover how you might be abandoning yourself.

When you learn how to take full, 100% responsibility for yourself, then you stop blaming your partner for your upsets. Since blaming one’s partner for one’s own unhappiness is the number one cause of relationship problems, learning how to take loving care of yourself is vital to a good relationship. The Inner Bonding process is a pathway toward this self-care.

Kindness, Compassion, Acceptance

Treat others the way you want to be treated. This is the essence of a truly spiritual life. We all yearn to be treated lovingly – with kindness, compassion, understanding, and acceptance. We need to treat ourselves this way, and we need to treat our partner and others this way, which is one of the results of practicing Inner Bonding. Relationships flourish when both people treat each other with kindness. While there are no guarantees, often treating another with kindness brings kindness in return. If your partner is consistently angry, judgmental, uncaring and unkind, then you need to focus on what would be loving to yourself rather than reverting to anger, blame, judgment, withdrawal, resistance, or compliance. Kindness to others does not mean sacrificing yourself. Always remember that taking responsibility for yourself rather than blaming others is the most important thing you can do. If you are consistently kind to yourself and your partner, and your partner is consistently angry, blaming, withdrawn and unavailable, then you either have to accept a distant relationship, or you need to leave the relationship. You cannot make your partner change – you can only change yourself.

Learning Instead of Controlling

When conflict occurs, you always have two choices regarding how to handle the conflict: you can open to learning about yourself and your partner and discover the deeper issues of the conflict,  – which is Step 2 of Inner Bonding – or you can try to win, or at least not lose, through some form of controlling behavior. We’ve all learning many overt and subtle ways of trying to control others into behaving the way we want: anger, blame, judgment, niceness, compliance, caretaking, resistance, withdrawal of love, explaining, teaching, defending, lying, denying, and so on. All the ways we try to control create even more conflict. Remembering to learn instead of control is a vital part of improving your relationship.

For example, most people have two major fears that become activated in relationships: the fear of abandonment – of losing the other – and the fear of engulfment – of losing oneself. When these fears get activated, most people immediately protect themselves against these fears with their controlling behavior. But if you chose to move into the Inner Bonding process and learn about your fears instead of attempt to control your partner, your fear would eventually heal. This is how we grow emotionally and spiritually – by learning instead of controlling.

Create Date Times

When people first fall in love, they make time for each other. Then, especially after getting married, they get busy. Relationships need time to thrive. It is vitally important to set aside specific times to be together – to talk, play, make love. Intimacy cannot be maintained without time together.

Gratitude Instead of Complaints

Positive energy flows between two people when there is an “attitude of gratitude.” Constant complaints creates a heavy, negative energy, which is not fun to be around. Practice being grateful for what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Complaints create stress, while gratitude creates inner peace, so gratitude creates not only emotional and relationship health, but physical health as well.

Fun and Play

We all know that “work without play makes Jack a dull boy.” Work without play makes for dull relationships as well. Relationships flourish when people laugh together, play together, and when humor is a part of everyday life. Stop taking everything so seriously and learn to see the funny side of life. Intimacy flourishes when there is lightness of being, not when everything is heavy.


A wonderful way of creating intimacy is to do service projects together. Giving to others fills the heart and creates deep satisfaction in the soul. Doing service moves you out of yourself and your own problems and supports a broader, more spiritual view of life.

If you and your partner agree to these 7 choices, you will be amazed at the improvement in your relationship!



1 Jun

It Feels Like Love – But Is It?

Sometimes it feels impossible to find someone who’s right for you — and who thinks you’re right for him or her! It’s totally normal to look at the world through rose-colored glasses in the early stages of a relationship. But for some people, those rose-colored glasses turn into blinders that keep them from seeing that a relationship isn’t as healthy as it should be.

What Makes a Healthy Relationship?

These are the aspect that i believe that will formed a healthy relationship

  • Mutual respect. Does he or she get how cool you are and why? (Watch out if the answer to the first part is yes but only because you’re acting like someone you’re not!) The key is that your BF or GF is into you for who you are — for your great sense of humor, your love of reality TV, etc. Does your partner listen when you say you’re not comfortable doing something and then back off right away? Respect in a relationship means that each person values who the other is and understands — and would never challenge — the other person’s boundaries.
  • Trust. You’re talking with a guy from French class and your boyfriend walks by. Does he completely lose his cool or keep walking because he knows you’d never cheat on him? It’s OK to get a little jealous sometimes — jealousy is a natural emotion. But how a person reacts when feeling jealous is what matters. There’s no way you can have a healthy relationship if you don’t trust each other.
  • Honesty. This one goes hand-in-hand with trust because it’s tough to trust someone when one of you isn’t being honest. Have you ever caught your girlfriend in a major lie? Like she told you that she had to work on Friday night but it turned out she was at the movies with her friends? The next time she says she has to work, you’ll have a lot more trouble believing her and the trust will be on shaky ground.
  • Support. It’s not just in bad times that your partner should support you. Some people are great when your whole world is falling apart but can’t take being there when things are going right (and vice versa). In a healthy relationship, your significant other is there with a shoulder to cry on when you find out your parents are getting divorced and to celebrate with you when you get the lead in a play.
  • Fairness/equality. You need to have give-and-take in your relationship, too. Do you take turns choosing which new movie to see? As a couple, do you hang out with your partner’s friends as often as you hang out with yours? It’s not like you have to keep a running count and make sure things are exactly even, of course. But you’ll know if it isn’t a pretty fair balance. Things get bad really fast when a relationship turns into a power struggle, with one person fighting to get his or her way all the time.
  • Separate identities. In a healthy relationship, everyone needs to make compromises. But that doesn’t mean you should feel like you’re losing out on being yourself. When you started going out, you both had your own lives (families, friends, interests, hobbies, etc.) and that shouldn’t change. Neither of you should have to pretend to like something you don’t, or give up seeing your friends, or drop out of activities you love. And you also should feel free to keep developing new talents or interests, making new friends, and moving forward.
  • Good communication. You’ve probably heard lots of stuff about how men and women don’t seem to speak the same language. We all know how many different meanings the little phrase “no, nothing’s wrong” can have, depending on who’s saying it! But what’s important is to ask if you’re not sure what he or she means, and speak honestly and openly so that the miscommunication is avoided in the first place. Never keep a feeling bottled up because you’re afraid it’s not what your BF or GF wants to hear or because you worry about sounding silly. And if you need some time to think something through before you’re ready to talk about it, the right person will give you some space to do that if you ask for it.

Why Are Some Relationships So Difficult?

Ever heard about how it’s hard for someone to love you when you don’t love yourself? It’s a big relationship roadblock when one or both people struggle with self-esteem problems. Your girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t there to make you feel good about yourself if you can’t do that on your own. Focus on being happy with yourself, and don’t take on the responsibility of worrying about someone else’s happiness.

What if you feel that your girlfriend or boyfriend needs too much from you? If the relationship feels like a burden or a drag instead of a joy, it might be time to think about whether it’s a healthy match for you. Someone who’s not happy or secure may have trouble being a healthy relationship partner.

Also, intense relationships can be hard for some teenagers. Some are so focused on their own developing feelings and responsibilities that they don’t have the emotional energy it takes to respond to someone else’s feelings and needs in a close relationship. Don’t worry if you’re just not ready yet. You will be, and you can take all the time you need.

Ever notice that some teen relationships don’t last very long? It’s no wonder — you’re still growing and changing every day, and it can be tough to put two people together whose identities are both still in the process of forming. You two might seem perfect for each other at first, but that can change. If you try to hold on to the relationship anyway, there’s a good chance it will turn sour. Better to part as friends than to stay in something that you’ve outgrown or that no longer feels right for one or both of you. And before you go looking for amour from that hottie from French class, respect your current beau by breaking things off before you make your move.

Relationships can be one of the best — and most challenging — parts of your world. They can be full of fun, romance, excitement, intense feelings, and occasional heartache, too. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, remember that it’s good to be choosy about who you get close to. If you’re still waiting, take your time and get to know plenty of people.

Think about the qualities you value in a friendship and see how they match up with the ingredients of a healthy relationship. Work on developing those good qualities in yourself — they make you a lot more attractive to others. And if you’re already part of a pair, make sure the relationship you’re in brings out the best in both of you.

Reviewed by: D’Arcy Lyness, PhD
Date reviewed: November 2010

2011 Shopping List (Updated 17/7/2011)

3 Apr

Spending unnecessarily is wasting but earning without spending is unwise. After all, we all work hard to earn money to spend right? I have come out a list of item that i wish to buy in 2011.

1. Laptop – Lenovo U460 (Bought @ Dec 2010)









2. HTC Desire HD (Bought @ Jan 2011)








3. Car – Toyota Vios TRD (Bought @ Feb 2011)








4. New desktop  (CM690 II advance, Silverstone Strider essential 600W bought – Status 20% complete )

5. Ipad 2

6. Aircond






7. Modify HID headlight









8. Car window tinting (Done @ 17/7/2011 Rm360)









9. Basketball shoes (Bought @ Lea Center 50% discount sales)

  1. 10. Pair of black jeans (Bought at Levis)


13 Mar

The song is shared by my dear as a reflection of life.

I find the lyrics so true that it reflects majority of the us youngster nowadays that can’t deliver any promise besides telling your loved one you that you love him/her. It isn’t that we can’t promise anything to him/her in the future but…..It is indeed true that promise is a big word, that one should not simply make a promise if he can’t deliver. It’s better not to make a promise than make a promise that he can’t deliver. The later would caused more dissapointment that the previous.

After listening to the song, i put this thought in deep of my heart asking what will i do if i am in his situation…..

If i am questioned by my girlfriend parents, i dare to promise them that i would not let her suffer. I dare to promise her to give her what she wants and I dare to promise to tell her that she had the most awesome bf in this world.

I’m able to make this promise because i’m very confidence that i would be able to deliver my promise in the future. I sincerely believe that there is nothing we can’t overcome when we are together.

Well at least i already fulfilled 1 out of 3 (Money, power and house) criteria that the song mention =P.

妳爸媽劈頭問我一句話 我不回答
他問我能不能給妳一個家 我愣在那
有些事心裡明白 卻不能夠明講
我沒有權 沒有錢 沒有房 只剩夢想
我也害怕 害怕讓她陪著我一起闖蕩
所以我不說大話 怕說的比做的差
有些話不能表達 有些話當時我沒有講
能給的我都給她 這是我心裡面說的話
就算會累死我都不會怨 因為她就是我的全世界

我沒有錢 沒有權 沒有房 只剩夢想
我也害怕 害怕讓她陪著我一起闖蕩
所以我不說大話 怕說的比做的差
有些話不能表達 有些話當時我沒有講
能給的我都給她 這是我心裡面說的話
就算會累死我都不會怨 因為她就是我的全世界

有些話不能表達 有些話當時我沒有講
能給的我都給她 這是我心裡面說的話
就算會累死我都不會怨 因為她就是我的全世界

妳爸媽劈頭問我一句話 我不回答
他問我能不能給妳一個家 我愣在那